“Human society, the world, and the whole of mankind are to be found in the alphabet.” –– Victor Hugo

Your name is sound. Names break down into phonemes that are strung together. A name is comprised of tiny little packets of sound energy, organized like a melody or an audio-code. 

We absorb sound, and it influences us. The sound comes into our bodies from the ears, resonance, and receptors in the skin. When exposed to subtle sound vibrations, our brain waves copy them. Various brain waves alter our consciousness. We absorb vibrations from language, which can improve brain functioning.

Ancient religions around the world believed that each vowel and consonant has a psychological significance and uniquely impacts the body in subtle ways. Furthermore, the sound of every word has a chemical relevance as well. The physical body is also affected by vibrations, aka your name.

Your name does more than identify you. It represents your essence, reflecting an energetic map of your challenges and strengths. For example, in the Hebrew tradition, the meaning of the name John means God is gracious. Earlier in history, names described a person or bestowed unique energy. Graciousness is bequeathed upon the person with this name. Native Americas used a name to describe the nature of a person. People radiate energy, and their name captures that essence. For example, Ahanu, means he laughs a lot (Algonquin) and Ahiga (Navajo) represents one who fights. The name Susan means lily flower in Egyptian, Greek, Latin, French, and more. This sound represents a lily flower across many languages and all over the globe. 


Words and DNA

Names are composed of vowels and consonances. Vowels are ongoing streams of sound, stopped by the consonances. Likewise, our DNA is also composed of codons, which are building blocks created of amino acids (compared to vowel sounds) and stops (like consonances). Little packets of energy string together like a melody with an ending. 

Biophysicist Glen Rein’s experiments showed that the sound of Gregorian chants significantly increases the absorption of UV light in DNA. Sound alters DNA. We think that DNA controls who were are, but perhaps our words, sounds, names, and thoughts influence our DNA. Scientific studies are showing sounds influence DNA, that is for sure. 

DNA is organized similarly as languages. Russian scientists, led by  Dr. Pjotr Garjajev, reported that genetic codes follow the same rules as languages, using “syntax and grammar”. This leads us to believe that languages do not appear coincidentally but reflect our DNA and its structure. The vibratory relationship between language and DNA works both ways. Living DNA responds to laser rays that respond to language and radio waves (providing that the proper frequency is used). Also, words alter DNA. In this manner, the sound of your name somewhat defines who you are, perhaps at a genetic level.

Scientists used sound frequencies to reprogram a cell to become a different gene. With sounds, researchers changed a frog embryo into a salamander embryo. Wow! It is not a stretch to understand that the sound of your name influences who you are. 

Author David Tame equated the vibrational sounds of your name with your energetic essence. “To the studied Hindu, a name is not an arbitrary identification, but the  mathematical formula consisting of ratios of sounds and vibrations that the creation and sustainment of a person’s essence is based on.” 

Dr. James Hurtak connected the Jewish holy name of god (yad, hey, vod, hey) with DNA-RNA. When correctly toned, Hurtak claimed that these sounds reprogram the human body via DNA. There is an entire field of science that studies changes in human traits that are not caused by changes in our DNA. This study is called epigenetics.  

Sound and music stimulate our minds and feelings to a high degree, even affecting our DNA. Scientists show that music stimulates more parts of the brain than any other human function. One technique, known as melodic intonation therapy, uses music to coax portions of the brain into taking over for those that are damaged. In some cases, patients regain their ability to speak. And because of how we associate music with memories, sounds can be helpful for Alzheimer’s patients. It is surely plausible that the sound of your name influences you.


A Name

The Hindu guru takes an additional name when he masters a different type of energy. The extra name represents his new energetic attainment. If his energy changes, so does his name.

God’s name changes between civilizations, but the idea of sacred energy within a word remains the same across thousands of years and all over the globe. To improve consciousness, disciples in many diverse religions chanted names of god to receive god’s vibrational signature stamp. The god’s divine energy flowed from “heaven” to man through octave resonance via the holy name. 

In ancient Egypt, people believed that your name affected you. Therefore, the pharaohs incorporated a god’s name into his personal name. This was done to receive the god’s vibrational energy. Also, ancient people used names of god, like we use a pager. The names’ vibrations created a link to or signal the god. The pharaoh became a living link to the god, in part due to his name. 

In ancient Egypt, everyone was given two names at birth. Only the mother knew one name. This “real” name was a person’s vibratory essence. The real name was never disclosed to prevent enemies from using a name in a curse. The sound of one’s name was a signal that people could send beneficial or harmful energy to. The idea was so well accepted that mothers never uttered their child’s real name. 

Our name is a thumbprint of energy that we emulate and continuously receive. We associate and identify with this sound. Ancient people revered words because they are subtle-energy-building-blocks. The continuous use of vibrational words eventually builds up and manifests in matter. 

Words have creative power, shaping our character. In the Hindu tradition speaking one-syllable seed sounds (biji seed sounds) activates the chakras, which strengthens the mind and body. These concise sounds are ingredients in energetic recipes called mantras. A mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that creates transformation. The sound is repeated thousands of times for a personal makeover.

Innocent things, such as using a nickname instead of a birth name, change our subtle energies. Imagine a person called Frank, a name ending with a harsh consonant. Then compare that feeling with the experience of the sound of Francis. Quite a contrast. Differentiate the feelings you get from Morris versus Marty. Catherine and Katie conjure up different personalities. Catherine is a more forceful person than and an easy-going Katie. 

If our names are influential, is their selection at birth random? Is something as crucial as our name just a word our parents liked the sound of? Our name is the energy that we want to master in the upcoming lifetime. Plato suggested that names are of divine origin, far more than a human symbolic sound to represent a thing. Curiously, we dont choose our names. Perhaps as a spirt before our birth, we influenced our parents’ selection of our name.



Each language instills a unique frequency pattern, harmonic selection, and rhythm patterns in a large group of people. Languages reflect their people, and the people mold their words. Think of languages of countries located near water. Their languages are full of fluid, watery sounds. Landlocked countries, like Russia, are loaded with consonances. Is our environment also reflected in our languages? Think of the polished sound of the French with their matching fancy buildings, dress, and architecture. The sounds of words reflect and perhaps influence the character of people. Recall the stereotype of people, such as the ancient gentle Japanese and the boisterous Italians. Their language sounds are compatible with their characteristics. That is no coincidence. 

Most cultures give sound a vital role in the creation of the universe. Genesis reads that “In the beginning was the word.” The word is a sound. A name is a sound. The ancient Zoroastrians revered their sacred words for their uplifting vibrational blessings. The ancient Hindu yogis honored the Sound God and still do today. The old Jewish tradition held the utmost esteem for a sacred word. Islamic culture values a doctrine regarding the mystical word. Kabbalah enthusiasts proposed that the 22 letters of the Hebrew language are the actual “protoplasm of creation.” Worldwide religions link sounds and creative power. If letters and sounds are building blocks of creation, your name positively contributes to your personality, physicality, and spirituality.

Many extinct languages are referred to as languages of light, which are languages of potent sounds used for communication. Each word represents the energy of a thing it symbolized. These things are said to be interchangeable with the energy that they represent. For example, in ancient Egyptian, neb emits the feelings you get when you move forward. Ben (neb sounded backward) is moving back. Reverse the sound, and the meaning is also reversed. Today’s languages are symbolic and don’t hold these correlations. This encouraged us to forget the power of words. 

The Bible refers to “speaking in tongues”, which is a gift bestowed on those few who can speak these strange languages. Even fewer people understand the meanings, but the energy unfolds in all listeners. Once again, words influence the listener (not the meaning of the words).

Hurtak asserted in The Keys of Enoch that ancient languages contain transformational sounds. These languages create energy grids that uplifted the subtle energy of civilizations. People resonated with these vibrational grids, enhancing their evolution. “The key languages are Egyptian, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Chinese, and Tibetan.” According to Hurtak, these languages unified the “biochemical energy of languages” around the globe. These major languages developed people in complementary ways. 

Hurtak continued that the Egyptian and Chinese languages biologically energize people in a “horizontal” fashion. The fiery sounds of Tibetan and Sanskrit languages work “vertically” on the energetic grid. Ancient Hebrew unified and activated these “crystallized languages,” creating an energy grid for human beings to rise above their current soul progress. This vibrational matrix enabled people to experience prescribed vibratory thoughts, feelings, and perspectives. This gave people opportunities to evolve.

Ancient words influenced people on a subconscious level. According to Hurtak, “It is the unconscious world, not the conscious world that dictates the primary order of events… Hurtak believed that exposure to the ancient languages of light created an energy that unfolded in our unconscious minds, influencing us far more than we are aware of. Names and sounds affect our subconscious mind, encouraging behavior! We are influenced by our names, yet we don’t believe a name changes us in any way, even a subtle way. It is time to pay attention and choose our words with higher purpose. 


Ancient Sound Correspondences from Religions around the World

  • E denotes a feminine quality of grace, wisdom, beauty, and receptivity.
  • U have a masculine quality of power and expression. 
  • A has the perfection of both qualities. 
  • Ah represents the feeling of unity, a golden color, the earth sound, opens your heart energy and radiates energy 
  • Ooo (cool) blue represents the energy of water, relaxes you, and draws energy inward
  • Eee correlates to bright blue to turquoise and is an air sound, representing mental activities.
  • Hmm vibrates the top of the head and connects you to spirit
  • Oh (as in go) combines ah and oo. This sound affects the endocrine system.
  • Hu is the mystical Sufi’s sacred sound. Hu creates a burning sensation in one’s head if you say it over and over.
  • Ha begins with H, which stimulates glands, especially the thymus. The medical society confirms that laughter boosts the immune system.
  • Ssss helps the lunges
  • Who is for kidneys
  • Sshhh is for liver
  • Haw is for heart
  • Woo is for spleen
  • The letter r creates disruptive energy and rush (run, tremble, break, rend, crush, whirl) 
  • l is liquid and flowing 
  • G is gummy and glutinous 
  • N is inward energy. 

People reviewing ancient traditions view their physical actions. A quick judgment paints ancient wisdom as superstitious. For example, science does verify the energy of a word has any significance, but how so?

Is science advanced enough to measure tiny quantities of subtle energies? Chakras were deemed pseudoscience until measurement techniques became sophisticated enough to measure such small amounts of energy. Now the energy of chakras has been detected by scientific methods. Is science is open enough to consider that the repeated usage of sounds translates into influential forces? Often the case is closed before considerations are formed on how to translate ancient methods into measurable things. 

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