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Sign up to receive two original collections of sound-healing music, information on sound healing, and more! Get the Frequencies for DefenseMusic collection (about an hour of freemp3s) and the Deep Healing Music Collection–to boost the harmony of your immune system and decrease the energy of inflammation.
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Frequencies for Defense are free.
Strongest with Headphones. Listen 1-2 Times a Day. Downloading is free.

Music and Tones to strengthen your Immune System against the Coronavirus. Free Hour of Downloads.
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Listen to full album in WAV on Jill Mattson’s YouTube channel
Frequencies for Defense are free
Sharry Edwards and Jill Mattson used the frequency equivalents to strengthen the body against a virus. Sharry determined the frequencies and Jill created a music matrix, and these efficacious frequencies are embedded in that music.
How our work helps against a virus!
Edwards has had success in directly combating some viruses in the past. Edwards has determined that the body needs specific nutrients to help counter a virus; according to Edwards, two critical ones are glutathione and quercetin. A healthy immune system always needs these nutrients – seemingly, in preventing a virus, they are essential.
We can eat foods that are good sources of these nutrients, such as:
For glutathione – asparagus, avocado, cabbage, brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, garlic, chives, tomatoes, cucumbers, almonds and walnuts
For quercetin – onions, apples, grapes, berries, broccoli, citrus fruits, cherries, tea, and capers
Of course, we endorse eating healthy. Our unique contribution is to offer the listening option! Listen to Mattson’s compositions containing Edwards frequency equivalents of glutathione and quercetin.
Glutathione is an antioxidant in plants, animals, and some simple organisms. It is a critical component in the lymphatic system – supporting the immune system. It has also demonstrated detoxification benefits. Quercetin has many health benefits, including reducing inflammation and pain, protecting against cardiovascular diseases and anti-cancer agents, boosting the immune system, reducing histamines, and fighting allergic reactions and skin irritation.
Frequencies For Defense consists of 18 tracks and over 67 minutes of listening. There are also frequencies of other valuable vitamins and supplements – contained in these tracks. In addition to the critical compounds, glutathione and quercetin, mentioned above, we have included seven other substances that will empower the immune system’s effectiveness and increase the overall efficacy of these mp3s. Some other frequencies included are Vitamin C, adrenaline, epinephrine, ACTH, and others.
Deep Healing Music

Sharry Edwards and Jill Mattson have teamed up with an incredible free gift for YOU!
Studies link anti-inflammation aides that alleviate many problems, including the coronavirus. Dr. Nathaniel Perricone MD in The Perricone Prescription, connected inflammation and most chronic degenerative diseases: arthritis, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, connective tissue disease, coronary issues, immune disorders, diabetes, meningitis, cystic fibrosis, cancer, stroke, psoriasis of the liver, detox blockage, respiratory stress, and aging. Many biochemicals have anti-inflammatory properties, such as quinine, turmeric, ginger and berberine. A healthy diet supports lower levels of inflammation. Cellular inflammation is associated with processes that keep bodies healthy, but excess inflammation can be life-threatening. Sharry Edwards came up with frequency-equivalents™ to lessen inflammation and Jill Mattson has included them is her award-winning sound healing music. This musical collection with additional healing tones is called Deep Healing Music.
If you have previously signed-up for the mailing list click here.
“Thanks to Jill Mattson and Sharry Edwards for the Corona Defense tunes. I had a terrible sinus and chest congestion illness that started with a sore throat and continued to worsen despite my rife frequencies and other regimens. The CV defense music download at and cleared my nose by listening to it during the following afternoon,evening and morning. The next day cleared my head sinuses and reduced coughing up phlegm by the 3rd day. I was in good condition though I ran it a few more days to make certain. I can’t thank you enough for sharing these incredible tools. All loved ones were sent your URL. THANK YOU” – Kent E
“I think that you saved my life. I was crawling out of my skin with the 5G. I could not sleep or be at peace. I listened to this music and I could sleep and found peace.” – Tarrot P.
“The music is BEAUTIFUL and in only 2 days my throat pain which I have had for 3 weeks is FINALLY improving and it happens during the music tracks. I feel more energy and my head is clearer. My attitude is better too. I have myalgia, but today I played the tracks and it improved some. Thanks so much for doing this Jill with Sharry…. it’s amazing and I feel mentally encouraged!” – Kim
“Abundant blessings to all who are helping us to heal.” – Susan W.
“Thank you, Jill and Sharry for what you are doing for humanity. Deepest gratitude.” – Martha from Texas
“Thank You!! The music is beautiful! Well done Jill and Sharry!!! Amazing!!!” – Gary
“Thank you for this wonderful gift to humanity. You are angels.” – Heather
“Thank you for All You do for humanity!” – Martha
“Thank you for your light.” – Beth
“I wanted to say thank you all for what you’re doing to help others with this horrible virus.” – Cindy
“You all are truly amazing people! God bless you all and keep you safe & healthy!!! Xx” – Tara Cheng
“Thank you to all that contributed, earth angels! Blessings” – Rodger
“Thank you. I am sharing this with as many people as possible.” – Fran
Thank you for the sound frequencies. We are joining our prayers and angel wings in the collective awakening and healing for mother earth.” – Judy
“Amazing gifting and compassionate offering. Thank you & blessings.” – Mona
“This is helping me heal; thank you.” – Susan from California
“In Wuhan, many people return to work due to economic pressure. My friend runs a hairdressing shop in the city center. She is using the music album all day in her shop for cleaning and protecting.”
“It helps to cleanse the meridians and balance the body energies.” – Susan B
Enjoy animated full-length music tracks
I am a Child of God
Druidic Runes & their Secret Sound Codes
The ancient runes were simple shapes formed by straight lines – roughly akin to printed letters. They held and produced subtle energies from wave interference patterns emanating from their shapes. When we view a rune, our eyes capture a bit of their embedded subtle energy in addition to the normal light frequencies; the rune’s subtle energy gets combined in the image that is formed in our brain. The experience goes beyond the normal sense of sight. In that way, you are not separate from what you view.
There are 22 runes passed down from the old Druidic Tradition. There are also 22 letters in the ancient Hebrew alphabet. The 22 Hebrew letters were more than symbolic, but radiated the energy that created the Hebrew world. Likewise, each rune represents a distinctive and vital element of the consciousness and essential conditions in the ancient Druids’ universe.
The effective use of the old runes has been long forgotten by most. Conquerors who sought to control the Druidic countries seized this powerful magic and made every effort to eliminate all trace and memory.
The runes portray broad concepts and even emit active energies. For example, the Joy-rune bestows ecstasy and joy. (The rune symbol, pronounced Wungo, means joy and it holds energy that literally creates joy.)
Today some people still toss the runes to make prophecies. This practice is similar to the predictions and insights people receive by throwing the I Ching sticks. Neither system predicts a specific outcome of events but shows the type of energy that will emerge in time. This knowledge gives the “informed” an edge to prepare for the changes that will shortly affect his life. Those who believe that prophecy was the only purpose of the runes are badly mistaken. In the hands of a skilled Master the runes and their magical shapes can directly produce powerful energy that radiates positive life outcomes and counteracts competing forces.
In an altogether new application of Runes and Druidic Lore – Jill Mattson has created the sounds and harmonics possessed by 18 of the ancient Druidic Runes. Mattson’s work preserves the energy of the runes but converts it into Sound Energy. Listening to the Sound Codes of the rune shapes also effectively bestows their healing powers and energies. Mattson used ancient methods of converting shapes and sacred geometry into pitches or notes and crafting their harmonics. You can listen to the entire set of runes in sound and subtly transport your imagination to the magical realms of the ancient Druids. Experience the Druidic runes turned to Sound in Jill Mattson’s class, The Way of the Wizard.
Use the frequencies derived from the runes for clearing, to gain abundance and insights for critical decisions that you will face.
72 Names of God and Angels
An experience, unlike anything you have ever felt before…. Certain words possess great power, as do special Frequencies of Sound. This work has BOTH. Bask and soak in the pure divine energy produced from sounding God’s Names in a long-extinct language.
Mattson has recaptured Divine Aspects of God, encapsulated in 72 Names, each linked intimately with an Angel. Each essence of God is expressed in an ancient Sound Code of four unique tones. Pitch and pronunciation are faithful to the original.
With the enunciation of each Name, a powerful wave of energy emanates forth. Each of the 72 invocations expresses a divine attribute of God and connects to a dedicated Angel – who embodies the blessing. Receive and reset Godly Virtues, such as Great Compassion, Faith, Strength, Forgiveness … 72 in all.
Nourish your soul and elevate your energy and well-being in unrivaled pristine energy from the Lord. 61 Minutes total contained in 9 tracks, the rest of the sound tracks are available under the Books and CDs tab in the Music Collection entitled Names of God.
Heal the World with Music!
In ancient times the world was viewed as energy – all vibrating! Rather looking at the world through the lens of chemistry or biology, they perceived things through sound. In this way they measured the frequency and rhythmic movements of all things. With this understanding ancient masters used easily accessible techniques of music – for an astonishing array of benefits.
Sigils and Healings of Sacred Geometry in Sound!
Sigil of Arch Angel Jeremiah in Sound
Say “Hocus pocus,” and magic occurs! Or so we were taught as a tiny child. Surprisingly, ancient sages actually used the vibratory components of sound, even special words, for many benefits. Since we don’t fully understand this “magical” quantum science today, such ancient ideas are relegated to “hocus pocus” or just child’s play.
Recall that the Jewish musicians played music around the walls surrounding Jericho for seven days and nights to make the huge,
impenetrable stone walls crumble. Today, we blast kidney stones to smithereens with sound. Conjure up a snake charmer mesmerizing a snake with music. Music was an ingredient that magicians amassed along with numerous other items in a magical spell to accumulate enough subtle-energy to alter matter. Music & magic were not child’s play nor trickery. Subtle energy from magic is a form of quantum energy.
Another ingredient in a magic spell was shapes. For example, angle sigils (shapes) are used in white magic. Recall that graduation from a reiki class requires viewing the reiki symbols. Likewise, ancient masters said that viewing a Hindu yantra (a shape) could result in a person achieving ascension in just one life time. Without extensive viewing of the yantra
shape, ascension could easily take 700 to 1,000 lifetimes. Wow. Who would have thought that looking at something could make such a difference?
We absorb frequencies through our eyes. Enlightenment is advanced by viewing “sacred geometry” shapes found in nature. And, how does that work? Quantum-frequencies emanate from shapes. Everything is energy and different shapes have different frequencies. Angle sigils (shapes) create the sacred sound-signature of a highly evolved being, an angel. Once again, the shape was associated with high energy. This shape established a connection with an angel, like a phone line.
In this video, listen to the angel signal of Archangel Jeremiah, otherwise known as archangel Azreal, who comforts us with soft energies, transformations and blessings.
A sigil is sounds that re-open direct-communications with an angelic being.
This is how reiki symbols work. The viewing of the reiki signal opens the chakras in your hands so that white light flows through them for healing purposes. It unknots the infinitesimal strings that have blocked light that used to flow out of your hands before you were a human. Viewing an angel sigil creates energies that directly connect you to the associated angel. The sigil is like an interdimensional portal.
The 72 names of God are used to create the 72 names of angels. With these sounds, connect to the energies of the angels and God.
Jill Mattson has rediscovered the ancient method of transposing the visual sigil patterns to sounds to increase their potency. Ancient sigils (sacred symbols) were carved into stone to preserve the vibratory pattern that unleashes higher energies, like viewing the reiki symbols that open clogged portals in your hand so white light streams out. Now you can view and listen to them, in a potent uplifting sound bath.
More sigil sounds are available in the class, We Once Held Astonishing Energies – We Can Again -The Return of 12D Energies, and in the Books and CD section in the CD entitled Names of God.
The Healing Flower Remedies
The indigenous tribes of South America believed that a flower is a gift to mankind, a unique gift, in that a person can receive specific healing energy from a flower. For example, one can feel the energy of cheerfulness from a daisy or beauty from a rose. If you get enough of these tiny uplifting feelings, it can change you!
The indigenous tribes have an ancient, time-tested process that captures the essence or energy of a flower in liquid form. The process includes soaking the flower in pure water and bathing both in sunlight. The water absorbs the flower’s essence. If one drinks the water, then he receives the flower’s signature energy. The energy of flowers and our emotions interact. For example, a fearful person drinks the rock rose flower water, so the flowers’ energy transforms his emotional energy from fear into trust.
The Healing Flower Symphonies has captured the actual frequency of the flower essence remedies for the Soul Flowers Series. Listening to the frequency of a substance is akin to ingesting it. For example, if you listen to the frequency of niacin your face will flush, just as if you had ingested niacin!
Listening to the frequencies of the flowers is like taking the flower remedy, which provides emotional healing. In addition, the music creatively and intuitively takes you into the dark side of each emotion (such as impatience to patience) as a cathartic release – aiding in letting emotional baggage go.
The music transitions into the feel of successful triumph and mastery of the emotion (such as fear to trust). After releasing fear, the music allows you to feel trust and subtly practice the feeling of this successful emotion…and practice makes perfect!
In The Healing Flower Symphonies, the frequencies of the flowers and the flower essences are converted to tones and twinkle in the background.
Revitalize and Restore your Beauty & Vitality using Sound
This beautiful music includes the exact vibrations associated with essential vitamins and nutrients critical to healthy skin. Collagen, muscles and skin tissues are tuned with beautiful toning energies. These healing energies are embedded in special tracks on the beautiful, compelling musical CD.
An exciting breakthrough in Alternative Health & Wellness uses special Sound Frequencies to produce Remarkable Results. It has long been known that through careful application of the appropriate sound frequencies, impressive physical, emotional and spiritual transformations are possible.
- Plants grow faster and resist disease with special sound frequencies
- Physical nutrients and vitamins can be absorbed by listening to the vibrational essences of the nutrient or compound
- Tissues, nerves and bones have been documented to regrow/regenerate through Sound Healing
Deep Wave Beauty is more than just a musical CD. It is multilayered, complex and has tones resonating with collagen, facial muscles and
tissues. The vibrational equivalents of important vitamins and nutrients – critical to healthy skin – are contained in this CD.
Beauty consists of many layers (appearance, skin, mood, attitude, words, clothes…). People are attracted to elements of this layer or that. One layer of beauty influences the next. To be beautiful, you emulate this energy on many levels simultaneously. To enhance your beauty, work on many levels of beauty – as they all interact and affect one another. And this is the secret of Deep Wave Beauty!
“I started listening to Deep Wave Beauty by Jill Mattson around the first of March. When I realized that it carried the frequencies of collagen, I kept in on day and night for weeks. The first difference I noticed was my pores. They had grown larger after I turned 60 and no matter what potion I used on them, they just seemed to get larger. I also developed sagging skin under my chin with deep vertical wrinkles.
It’s been almost six months since I started listening to Deep Wave Beauty, and the sag under my chin has tightened. The wrinkles are still under the chin, but not as noticeable. The effects are not just on my face. My entire body has tightened. I have lost two sizes and I finally have a waist again. I have to wear belts to keep my pants from falling down. My upper arms are tightening. I have not added an exercise regimen that would account for this change.
I am doing nothing to account for my upper arms tightening and dropping two dress sizes. I believe the collagen all over my body has tightened and I seem to be naturally changing back to the body I had when I was much younger. I am 64 and I think I look better now than I looked in my late 40s and 50s.
Not only has my body started reshaping itself, but my energy level and my stamina has also increased. I have only done two things that could account for the change in my skin, body and energy level. I listen to Deep Wave Beauty several times a day, and I have given up wheat. Not eating wheat could account for the loss of two dress sizes, but it can’t explain why the skin on my body is tightening all by itself.” Rayelan Allan