
14 inch Stone Green, 15 tones Tongue Drum

Original price was: $377.00.Current price is: $169.00.

Stone Green 14 inch, 15 tones Steel Tongue Drum, with Stricker, finger picks, travel case, and music booklet.

Drumming can be an extremely fun and effective form of Sound Healing. Drums possess a characteristic tone or tones just as other musical instruments do, however Drums can forcefully produce a Rhythm beyond any instrument or other means. Blend into the repetitive rhythm of a drum and let the feeling “take you away”. Our body has its own rhythms – the heartbeat, breathing and circulation, brain waves – to name several. I believe this is why we naturally take to drumming and rhythmic patterns. Drumming is not child’s play, however! It is an ancient tool for serious Sound Health pursuits.

People on the Spiritual Path today are well acquainted with frequency healing. Many enjoy the benefits of listening to their music with the A = 432 Hz. Scale, or hearing the solfeggio tones and the spiraling Fibonacci series played out in notes. Sound rhythms can be a highly effective modality for personal healing and growth. Think of the Shaman who took out-of-body forays. These journeys were enabled by a deep trance state and drumming was an essential element in achieving the trance. Drums can be highly effective for reaching desired states of consciousness.

Drum beats and rhythms can alter your brain waves. When your brain waves entrain to delta and theta states of consciousness your body enters into homeostasis for ultimate healing. During everyday daily stress our body is busy coping with constant challenges. Drumming can bypass such stressful states of consciousness and slow us down, reducing heart rates and lowering blood pressure. Our emotions settle and we become calm – a positive and pleasant condition that facilitates healing and grounded thoughts. Faster rhythms can lift us up and give us energy. You do not have to be skilled – drum to a rhythm or play with another. De-stress, calm down, and get clear. Balance or re-energize with the appropriate drumming techniques.

Some rhythms can shake up blocked negative energies, helping clear stuck emotions and moods and resulting in catharsis. Sound can be a carrier wave and the drum beats combine with and drive our emotional energies – feelings and energies can be amplified or sedated.

The drums offered on this website are simple. They come in various tones and numbers of notes. They deliver both frequencies and rhythms. Some of the drums include all of the chakra tones. They can be played as a musical instrument or as a source of specific frequencies for targeted purposes. They are great aids for meditation and clearing the mind.

Healing Drums

Ancient Man knew that simple Drumming Rhythms could produce Powerful Effects. Shamanic Trances were created with rhythmic patterns to connect to other Realities! Use a Steele Tongue Drum (with its added benefit of having tones and rhythms) for Healing, Opening Chakras, Clearing and More!

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